Caherline NS has a great reputation and tradition with music, particularly traditional Irish music. Children will learn to play the tin whistle in 1st class and have the option of progressing to other traditional musical instruments as they progress up the school. We are fortunate to have extremely talented musicians and singers on our staff, who pass their passion of music and singing onto the pupils. We have in operation an instrument bank whereby the children can rent an instrument, depending on proficiency and availability, for a school term from 3rd class upwards. Tuition is provided in school.
Scór: The school also takes part in the Scór competition, and has achieved great success in all categories, including solo singing, group singing and instrument playing throughout the years.
Peace Proms: The school takes part in Peace Proms. Peace Proms engages children and young people in music and enriches their lives through exceptional musical experiences and performances. Through this initiative, pupils perform with a full orchestra conducted by world renowned Greg Breadshell, held in University of Limerick. The pupils learn songs and perform dances to the songs on the night. On the night, there are performances from famous violinists, soloists, drummers, pipe majors, Irish and Highland dancers.
Community events: The school visits St Michaels Nursing home regularly and performs tunes and sings songs for the residents. For the communion in the parish, the school choir performs. Children have often performed music at the community market.
Music Generation: We take part in Music Generation. Music Generation supports children and young people to make and learn music in creative, diverse, inclusive ways, whether that’s writing and performing a song, playing an instrument, practising as part of an orchestra or jamming with a band. Music Generation makes performing music a joyful experience that has the potential to transform children and young people’s lives in many possible ways. Through this initiative we have had Darragh, from well-known Limerick band Hermitage Green and musician Patrick visit our school. The school took part in a concert with other schools through this initiative as well.
Music Therapy: Pupils in our ASD units take part in music therapy lessons, which is a therapeutic methodology for pupils to ease stress and to provide a means of communication for pupils. The pupils really enjoy this initiative.