In the 2017/18 school year, our school took part in the Active Flag initiative. Active School Flag (ASF) is a Department of Education and Skills initiative supported by Healthy Ireland, and part of the National Physical Activity Plan. The ASF initiative provides schools with a framework to guide and support them to work towards achieving a physically educated and physically active school community. The 6th class pupils made up our committee and were fantastic leaders and role models throughout this initiative. Through the active flag, the school took part in many initiatives including playground leaders, DRAW(Drop everything and walk), organising the PE equipment in the school, cleaning out the PE sheds in the school, Ballyhoura cycling programme, running initiatives, organising sport leagues, learning about and taking part in sports from other countries, learning about the benefits of being active and exercise, taking part in active school tours, appreciating local and national sport stars, taking part in zumba dancing, taking part in a whole school group dance of the Maxerena and many more fun initiatives. It was great to achieve our Active Flag and we look forward to continuing many of the activities in future years. Active week is organised every year in school. During this week, the students take part in a Sports Day where they compete in races, take part in skills challenges, take part in new sports and activities and have fun on the bouncy castle and obstacle course. The pupils take part in whole school dances such as the Maxerena and An Dreoilín. 6th class pupils take on the staff in a game of basketball. The finals of the school competitions take place on this week. It is a great week of activity and fun.